Video Essay Reflection

Date January 17, 2014 13:02

Video Essay Reflection


This week’s readings were on the forms of video essays, cinepoetry and examples of a one sentence animation project.  Triquarterly had written articles about the growth of video essays, and were really talking a lot about writers autobiographies.  I found it interesting in the first link describing video essays as being, “the mettle of the literary essay.”  It was interesting to me as I read that because it was tough to understand how exactly a video essay with images and audio could be the same thing as a literary essay.  As I kept reading however it started making a little more sense to me, especially when they started talking about all the autobiographies.  No matter if it is just words or if images are including, you’re still telling a story to the audience in some way.


The videos on the one sentence animation projects were definitely something different than what I’ve ever watched.  The first one I watched was on The Knowers, and I liked the organization of the video, but I didn’t really understand it.  Then I watched the one on Home Run, and that one made a lot more sense to me as I was watching it.  Some things were still a little confusing to me, like the baby in its crib, but other than that I liked the images, the call the announcers had, and also the person singing the Star Spangled Banner underneath the commentators calling the game.  That video made a lot more sense and I understand the one sentence animation videos more now.

Posted January 17, 2014 13:02


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